Happy Birthday Meg M !! (Sunday)

Happy Birthday Meg M !! (Sunday)

Warm Up and Mobility

Warm Up of 3   Sets of Three Position Clean  (light to Moderate )

1 RM Clean

Gymnastics / Skill
T2B / K2E  Practice
Max Distance Triple Broad Jump

Open offseason
Max Unbroken set of T2B
Max Unbroken Set of Strict HSPU’s
4 Rounds of
One Minute of Squat Clean Thrusters 165/110, 30 Seconds Rest
One Minute of Lateral Burpees Over the Bar, 30 Seconds Rest
In House FunDown
Sign up has begun guys, Sunday May 3rd beginning at 9:30 going no later than 1:00. Warm weather makes for more fun events 😉 ! If you havent signed up yet on our FB Group, you can sign up here. Lets do this Rail Trailers!!