CFRT Third Inhouse FunDown!

CFRT Third Inhouse FunDown!

Warm up and Mobility

5 Rounds of Double or Single Under Practice
40 seconds on, 20 seconds Rest
Left over time focus on Mobility

Off Season Open Work
Build big set of Strict C2B (Goal is your number last time or better)
Build Big Set of Strict HSPU (Goal is your number last time or better)
Three Attempts for max set of Double Unders

65% x 3
75% x 3
85% x 2
95% x 1
100% x 1-2


5 x C2B Pull Ups
10 x OHS 95/65
15 x Lateral Barbell Hops

In House FunDown
Lots of fun this weekend with our Bingo/Potluck on Saturday Night and our 3rd In House FunDown on Sunday. Hope everyone had fun, you guys killed it!! Also a huge congrats to Mike V for placing second in his Masters Comp (must have been a secret 😉 ) ! More fun activities to come Rail trail!!