Joe C setting the standard!

Joe C setting the standard!

Warm Up and Mobility

Push Press 3 x 5
Push Jerk 3 x 5

5 Rounds of Double or Single Under Practice
40 seconds on, 20 seconds Rest
Focused mobility afterwards

Off Season Open Work
EMOM 8  10 seconds rest in between
Max Set Unbroken C2B, Remaining time double unders
Max Set Unbroken HSPUs, Remaining time double unders


“Water Break”
Run 200m
25 x Back Squats 95/65
Run 200m
50 x Sit Ups
Run 200m
25 x Front Squats


Hey Rail Trailer’s, quick question.  Now that the weather is warmer does anyone still want the hot coffee we make every day?  If not, we won’t make as much or any at all. Let’s hear from you guys!