Warm Up and Mobility
Push Press 3 x 5
Push Jerk 3 x 5
5 Rounds of Double or Single Under Practice
40 seconds on, 20 seconds Rest
Focused mobility afterwards
Off Season Open Work
EMOM 8 10 seconds rest in between
Max Set Unbroken C2B, Remaining time double unders
Max Set Unbroken HSPUs, Remaining time double unders
“Water Break”
Run 200m
25 x Back Squats 95/65
Run 200m
50 x Sit Ups
Run 200m
25 x Front Squats
Hey Rail Trailer’s, quick question. Now that the weather is warmer does anyone still want the hot coffee we make every day? If not, we won’t make as much or any at all. Let’s hear from you guys!
Oly 85#
“Water break”
1 + 455 (45#)
Fun fun fun as always!!!
Very few but powerful words Anna, and of course the first post of the day!
10 cal bike
25 x kb swings
10 cal bike
25 x push ups, knees +1abmat
10 cal bike
25 x kb swings
27 reps shy of two rounds at the cap
Thanks for the modified workout Mike! Nice work 6am’ers. Big group this morning!
Way to get after that wod with that evil assualt bike!
Oly – back felt good this morning but didn’t go too heavy. Worked out w Bob. Awesome work!
Water Break – 431
rowed 200m
45# squats
Felt good to be back. Going light until back full strength.
14 strong at 5am. Great work everyone.
Thanks for the coaching, PJ and Mike!
Have a great day.
The Duke….. nothing follows
“Water Break”
Row 200m
25 x Air Squats
Row 200m
50 x Sit Ups
Row 200m
25 x Air Squats
Holy crap…glad tomorrow is a recovery day!
Thanks PJ and Mike…and the ALL STARS! You are the BEST!!!
This morning Coach Mike told me that he usually reads our posts right before he goes to bed… so these are kind of like a bedtime story for him…AWWWW
So here goes…
Once upon a time there was girl named Lorilocks and she had way too much junk in her trunk…if you know what I mean! She set off on a search for a place to get fit and “stuff” and started at a local gym with a personal trainer. It was ok she did some work but it was just too boring on the treadmill to nowhere so after a few months she set off again. This time she ran – and it was ok. At least she was running somewhere…but it was lonely. Once again she got back on the road and decided to try CFRT. It certainly wasn’t boring in there! And not lonely…it was full of amazing people being awesome and getting after it! Also there were three very special people…the COACHS – PJ, Mike and Sarah plus an extra coach who was super funny and strong Miss Kelly G! Well Lorilocks had finally found a place that was JUST RIGHT! And so she joined in the fun…got stuff done…and has been living (and sweating) happily ever after…
Good night Coach!
Absolutely live this, will be sure to reread this before bed Lori! 🙂
Just read it again! 😉
Open Prep
Water Break: 697 reps, just missed finishing by 3 reps. Pretty deceptive WOD and it was a killer coming off of Sunday’s leg extravaganza!! Great work this morning everyone. Awesome having both Mike and PJ in the house, and there was a Duke sighting!!! Crazy day at the trail.
Blazing fast Stewie!
Water break – 1 + 223 55#
Loved this WOD. Despite the running, it was a great change of pace! Great class, PJ! Thanks for the jump rope tips, Mike – I’ll definitely work on them! 🙂
You got ut, just keep with the progression and you’ll have them in no time!
Gym- oh dubs, why must you be so difficult?
Water Break- 1+427 (65#)
After the 3rd round of runs my legs started feeling like they were cinderblocks. Tried to run the whole time but ended up having to stop a couple times to catch my breath. Thanks for the tips on the dubs Mike! Great 930 class again!
Legs definitely get heavy fast in that wod,dubs are definitely a love hate relationship
Right with you, Marie! Had to stop a few times when running. Bod is still recovering from Sunday. I am really digging all of the squats, though! Feels awesome.
Great teamwork today, Stephanie. Thanks for the help on the bar.
Waterbreak 1+ 675
Thanks PJ & Mike! Great work 5am 🙂
Alex?! Am I dreaming??
Lol very funny Liv
Alex you posted! Great work!
Worked on dubs.
Water break – 1+472 45#.
Another fantastic 9:30 class! Thanks Mike!!
Great work today, have fun in Cali Rita!
Oly – Push Jerk 85#
“Water Break”
1+471 45#
Glad I chose 45#, those front squats felt like a million pounds by the time I got there! Good work 5am, thanks Mike & PJ!
Smart choice, kept you moving!
Water Break
1 + 217
This was tough but fun! 🙂 my legs are already burning from all the squats!
Thanks Mike!
You pushed hard on that Meg, love having you back on a regular basis!
Water break
did the Dreaded OLY but I’m getting a little more confident about it and the movements feel a little more natural now so that’s encouraging.
Fun crowded 4:30 class and great workout. Coach Mike is THE Motivator! Thanks for great coaching and even better yelling..very helpful in the end when I want to slow down so I don’t have time for the next squat or whatever. Not alot of weight on squats but they felt great..even though my legs were already in pain from yesterday.
I have done so many different types of workouts over a lot of years but I have never seen a change..always just maintained…never any improvement in strength or fitness level. I am really amazed at the noticeable difference in my fitness level in the short period of time I have been doing Crossfit. I love it!
You have come a long so fast. Squats looked great and you keep on moving!
Spent some time trying to string together my double unders… slowly getting there….
Water Break
Pretty much changed the whole WOD, my knees & legs were definitely tight as hell today and so I did 13 Cal Assault Bike, KBS 53# and ab mat sit-ups!
Got through up to the last hit on the Assault Bike just had to finish the KBS!
Ugh, assualt bike. No es Bueno
Great work this morning gang, I’m in the same boat as you with getting my legs smoked today!!! We will see how I feel tomorrow. Great day of posting online, keep it up. Have a good night all:)
Lori-great work on Mikes bed time story.
Thanks PJ!
Water break
1 + 210
Great to be back at it ! Thow I hate running ( I think I need someone chasing me )
Great work Robin, so much fun when your here!
Water Break
1+575 @ 95#
Killer leg workout today. My legs felt like jello after the first set of front squats. Had a bigger than average 6pm class with some faces that haven’t been around in a while. It was nice to see Mondelo and Josh back at the board! Great work 6pm!!
Blazing fast in the beginning, still killed it brother!
Worked on oly, my last push jerk was 85#.
Got after the wod & killed it. Finished with 1+443 using 65#. Thanks Mike for awesome class!
Yea you did!
Gym today for me….
Water Break: 1 + 86 Could not run today due to a weird abdominal pain so I did the air bike fro 12 cal instead of the run (95# squats)…not my best workout today but I moved and got myself a workout. Hoping I will be back to normal tomorrow…
Great job 7PM! Thanks Mike, Sarah and Kelly G.
Another victim of the Assualt Bike 😉
push press – 45,50,55
push jerk – 45,50,60
1+575 with 50#! I’m surprised I made it this far after Sunday and yesterday’s workout! Hoping I’ll make it to tomorrow morning.
It will be a fun one!
did OLY work tonight. Everything felt pretty good there.
3 rep away from finishing. That was a great WOD. I was able to push through everything till the last 25 front squats. I mentally gave up half way through the last set and that messed me all up for a second. I have to mentally force my self to hold on the bar instead of dropping it and just giving up. Great 7pm class. It’s nice to see new people and see some peeps I never get to see to often.
Have a great night everyone!!
3 reps you would have had if your mind didn’t mess with you. Sooooooo fast my man!
7pm! Great form Joe C!
I went for Dubs tonight!
…I mean attempts!
The last attempts felt better with the heavier rope!
“Water Break”
I finished my 1st round the clock was 7:55, it was a very quick hard workout. I got capped with 13 to go, I almost think that my 2nd round was better than my 1st! Anyways I gave what I had!
Thank you Mike!
A heavier rope will definitely help in the beginning, keep it Gus!
Gymnastics tonight and finally got 2, count ’em TWO, consecutive dubs!!! Been fighting to get rid of the double-single-double trap for years!!! So excited!!!
“Water Break” 1+212 kept it light at 35# since tomorrow is front squat day for Strongman training. Running didn’t feel awful. Felt pretty good actually!
Looked comfortable with those runs Kelly!
Oly: 65, 75, 85lbs
WOD: 1+ 435 using 45lbs
Joined in on the 7 pm class tonight, Great job Everyone!!
Thanks Mike!!
Awesome work Judy!
OLY: 75, 95, 115# x 5
Kept these light due to the wrist. still not 100% but getting there!
“Water Break”
1 + 689 Rx
Total smoker today! Needed 30-40 sec more to get the last 11 Front Squats and I would of finished this one! NEXT TIME!!
Nice job 930! Thanks Mike!
Sooooooo close!