11262233_10205536799957508_1347493526_nWarm Up and Mobility

5 Rounds of Double Under Practice
40 Seconds on, 2o Seconds off
Focused Mobility afterward

Open offseason Work
Build Big Set of Strict Unbroken C2B
Moderate Set of Double Unders
Max Set of Unbroken Kipping C2B (Linked)
5 – 10 Attempts at Triple Unders

Back Squat Make Up
If caught up do
60% x 9
70% x 7
80% x 5
90% x 3
80 % x 4
70% x 6
60% x 8

“Play Both Ways”
21  x Deadlifts 225/155
21 x Box Jumps 30/24
Run 300m
15 x Deadlift
15 x Box Jumps
Run 20om
9 x Deadlift
9 x Box Jumps
Run 100m


Hey guys, Please make sure you are parking either in a space, on the dirt in front of the Rail Trail or in a spot behind the building. We are starting to see quite a few cars past the edge of the building almost in the middle of the parking lot. One car there is fine, but three deep is a little much. PS We still love you 🙂