Warm Up and Mobility
Push Press
3 x 3
Push Jerk
3 x 3
Back Squat
50% x 8
60% x 4
75% x 1
85% x 1
95% x 1
105+ x 1
For Time
500m Row
10 x Clean and Jerk 135/95
500m Row
10 x Clean and Jerk
500 Row
10 x Clean and Jerk
It’s time again Rail Trailers, strength cycle is just about over. Please email all your starting cycle numbers and ending. Remember this helps me adjust the strength programming going forward so please send me what you got! Thanks guys!
Awesome WOD today!
Strength 210# PR
“Slacker”…anything but in this WOD.
13:03 (75#)
Back Squat: 235 – knee is still not there
Slacker: 12:33 (115) my row is sub par right now, needs to improve.
Great work 5AM, thanks PJ.
Enjoy the day.
Oly – 140# clean and Jerk
Slacker – 12:08
95# clean and jerks.
Getting off rower for those first 10 C+Js…WHOA
GREAT WOD! Great work 5AMers. Thanks for the coaching and push, PJ.
Have a great day everyone!
STR – Back squat to bench with pvc then 15# bar…woo hoo! A wee bit of progress! It is frustrating to still not be able to squat with weight and participate full on…but I know that my form needs to be right before I put weight on my knees. Been hauling around way too much body weight for too many years which stressed my knees. But I am doing the work to get strong and relieve that strain.
12:34 45#
Nice way to start the week!
Thanks PJ! Way to work it Nick and Jon! Hope to see posts on line!
Love seeing the HUGE 5 am group – you guys are amazing!!!
Loved being back on this 1st day of June!
STR:#105(New 1RM)- #10 PR.
“Slacker”: 1500M Row, and 25 C+J’s. Fell short by 5 C+J’s otherwise not too shabby for 1st back. Great day to all!
Strength- 235# (10#PR). Went for 240# a couple times and failed. I know Ive got it, definitely next time!
Slacker- 11:37 (95# power cleans, no jerks). This was a good one. Row and cleans felt great. Nice job 9:30!
Strength – Back Squat
165# – that’s a 20# PR!
Went for 170, I would have had it if I had a little time to rest before but I was rushing… next time!
13:50 75#
Picked up the pace on the last round of C&J, should have gone at that pace from the beginning.. oh well, still got a good workout in! Good work 5am, thanks PJ!
930 today, i’ve officially done every class within the last two weeks!!
Back Squat #20PR for #255. I failed #260 twice for depth…
“Slacker” (no slacking!)
Great WOD, lots of fun with the C&J!
Thank you Mike!
20# !!! Nice work Gus!
Strength: BS- 395# consensus was i was only at parallel so pretty much a no rep. Still pretty tentative with the left knee.
Slacker: 9:03 #135
Great class this morning, tons of energy!! Nice work PJ herding the cats and keeping us in line.
Blazing fast Stewie, take care of that knee!
“Slacker” – 11:18 (C&J 55#)
Great job 9:30 and thanks Mike! Sorry for being a little late this morning!
No worries Lucy, thats barely late. Just giving you a hard time π
Big day at the box for me today, I finally joined the 300# back squat club!!! This has been a goal of mine for quite some time now. Thanks Mike for the awesome programming!!
12:54 @ 135#
You guys put in the work!
For Time
500m Row
10 x Clean and Jerk 135/95
500m Row
10 x Clean and Jerk
500 Row
10 x Clean and Jerk
11:01 75# and i did full cleans from the floor! Winning!!!
Sorry 6am’ers, I missed you this morning. Someone set off the fire alarm at 3am last night and the early morning class was not going to be happening! See ya’ll tomorrow π
Looking good Kirsti, keep the rehab going!
Back squats today. Got 365! 20lb PR :). Felt good
Slacker: 12:05 135 #. Nice fun little WOD
Great job 7pm! Thanks Mike
Looking good big guy, more to come!
Nice work today everyone! Love seeing and hearing about these PRs (regardless of how much). Keep up the hard work and continue to have fun.
I bro alone.
In week six of my Strongman program and definitely seeing some progress. Last week struggled to get more than 4-5 reps with axle clean and press at 98#. Tonight got 108# for 5 reps (in 60 seconds) with time to spare and felt really solid as far as technique. Axle strict press 5×2 at 88#, and lots of accessory work. Three weeks to my next competition and feeling pretty good about where I’m at.
About 3.5 months out from Nationals. YIKES!!! Reality is setting in slowly but surely!
You bro alone, but you get after it!!
Back Squat:
270# new PR
15# increase tonight at 6pm! Couldn’t miss back squat Monday’s! Extra mobility and warm up def did the trick from being stuck in a car driving home from NY for 4 hours.
10:05 (115#)
Nice wod today! Nice job 6pm!
Thanks Mike!
And you have more, killing it Matt. Keep up the hard work!
Strength- 155lbs , 5lbs PR. Did not try for more weight or to failure… slow and steady with this back o’ mine… I was happy just to get more weight than last time, even if 5 lbs!!!
WOD- 12:50 with 65lbs. I really enjoyed this WOD!!
Thanks Mike! Great job 6pm! Awesome job everyone!!
Okay clue #2 gives this movie away , got it Mike!
15# back squat PR last night! Last time we tested, I couldn’t get 180# back up and had to dump it 4 times. Hit 190# last night! Hopefully I’ll hit 200 in the next cycle or two π
Also got the movie on the first clue for the first time…That’s kindof a PR, right?
12:25 I think for the WOD with #65. Cleans are always a good time.
Nice job 6 – and thanks Mike!!