Double Fran aftermath!

Double Fran aftermath!

Warm Up and Mobility

5 Rounds of
Double Unders (40 seconds on, 20 seconds rest)

Open Offseason (Unbroken Sets)
Max Set of Strict T2B
Max height seated box jump
Max Set of Strict HSPU
Max Set Box Jumps 30/24
Max Set of Kipping T2B
Max Height Knee Jump
Max Set of Kipping HSPUs

3 x 3 Position Clean (HH+H+Cl)
Light to Moderate
1RM Clean

“The Quarterback is Toast”
30 x Double Unders
15 x KB Swings 70/53
5 x Muscle Ups

Hey gang, I know the nice weather is here and our brains are distracted, but please remember to post online to this blog! We try to take the time to give you guys those little extras, please reciprocate and post here. Thanks guys, you are the best!!