Happy Birthday Darek C! (Tuesday )

Happy Birthday Darek C! (Tuesday )

Warm Up and Mobility

Gymnastics / Skill
5 Rounds of
Double or Single Under Practice 40 seconds on, 20 seconds Rest

Open Off Season
Strict C2B + Max Kipping
Build Big Set of Double Unders

OTM 6 Complex
First 3 Minutes
HH Snatch Pull + HH Snatch + OHS
Last 3 Minutes
2 โ€“ 3 HH Snatch


“Persian Army”
3 x Hang Power Clean 185/135
4 x Front Squat
5 x Bar Facing Burpees



Do any of you have any good summer recipes you would like to share with the rest of us?! Grill marinades, sides, salads, etc. Here or the FB page. I know we could use a little inspiration in the Burnes household!