Michelle C

Michelle C

Warm Up and Mobility

Front Squat
5 x 2

Hand Stand Work
5 x Wall Squats

Open Off Season
Go as far as you can 6 minutes, start over when you fail
1 x Strict HSPU
10 x Unbroken Double Unders
2 x Strict HSPU
20 x Unbroken Double Unders


For Time

100 x C2B Pull Ups

Perform 5 x Power Snatch  135/95 whenever you come off the bar

Hey guys just a quick note. I have noticed a few times DNF (Did Not Finish) written on the board. This concept does not exist at CFRT. A lot of times our workouts will not be finished within the time cap. Take today for example, less than of half the people finished the workout. This is based on experience level, skill set and proper scaling. As long as you guys are keeping yourselves moving throughout the entire workout and not standing around trying to do a weight or movement your not quit ready for, then you have got what we intended. There will be days when we do finish everything written on the board and sometimes its designed so you dont. Instead of naming it an AMRAP it will be listed For Time so you will push that much harder to try and complete the work listed. So dont get discouraged if you hit the time cap. As long as you are scaling properly and getting after it, then you got what was intended. Keep up the hard work, respect the process and POST online!