Warm Up and Mobility
Pull Up Practice
Max Height Box Jump
Open Off Season
1 x Strict C2B + 2 Kipping C2B
2 x Strict C2B + 3 Kipping
Once you fail start over
2 x 5 High Hang Snatch Pulls
3 x 1 High Hang Snatch
“I’m Mo Green”
5 x Strict HSPU’S
7 x Deadlifts 275/195
9 x Burpees over bar
*If your arms are smoked from the week, sub HSPU’S with 5 x High Box Jumps
Oly- very light just to work on speed.
“i’m Mo Green”
4+6 (24inch box jump/ 175#)
This WOD was a lot harder than it looked.
HH snatch 125
Mo Green – 4 + 1
(1 ab mat and 195)
Thx PJ, enjoy the day!
OLY- HH Snatch.
Mo Green – 5+1 (box push ups and 50# KB DL)
Great job 5 AMers. WHERE WERE all of THE ALL-STARS? Poor John.
Thanks, PJ!
“I’m Mo Green! I made my bones when you were going out with cheerleaders.”
4+1 (2 ab mats / dumb bells, 205#)
Great job 6 am! Wait a minute I was the solo all star.
Thanks PJ!
Oh NOOOOO!!! Sorry Jon! I was getting my teeth cleaned at 7. Rest day for the J’s – Janet, Judy and Joe!
I’ll be there tomorrow and from now on my dental appointments will be at 8 am!
Oh WOW – I didn’t think that would evuh happen.
Lucky you to have that one on one time with Coach Pj.
Come back tomorrow – it will be a Pahty 🙂
I know Janet…WHO WOULDDA THUNK IT?!?!!
Definitely a PAHTY…maybe DJ PJ will do some dancing…or play something we can dance to!
Dancing with the ALL STARS…coming to a box near you!
Solo at 6am?Oh noooo! Good job!!
Awesome work 5am, great crew! Thanks PJ!
OLY- felt good today, actually they felt a lot better overall my balance is finally improving 🙂 Thanks for the tips Liv & PJ!
Mo Green – (4 rounds 125#, Box HSPU) getting over a mean cold so burpees really kicked my butt
P.S. I forgot to sign in My B My B 🙂
Have a Great Day!
Don’t worry alex, I signed you in 🙂
Awww you da best Liv
Gym work – made about 12-15 muscle up attempts and got about a 36″ box jump.
Mo Green – This workout was brutal, but was able to do strict HSPU’s for reps (a first). Averaged about three a round with 2 ab mats.
Still would like to know what Gaff did to make LJ laugh so hard on the KB strecth, suspicious?
Great job 5 am’ers, thanks PJ!
Don’t worry, LJ… I’ll never tell.
What goes on at CFRT, stays at CFRT!
Yes it does, but makes for great posts conversation!
Gym Work – worked on jumping pull-ups and box jumps. Box jumps are a huge mental hurdle for me. Managed to build plates up to 22.5 inches! Still no box, but at least I know I have the height now!
Thanks Matt & Sarah for pushing me to add on a couple more plates!
“I’m Mo Green” –
Box for HSPU’s – almost got stuck a couple of times!
Deadlifts @ 115# ( I think I wrote #110 on the board bc I apparently I can’t do math)
Burpees – stepped over instead of jumping over.
This was rough. Now that I have numbers to go off of for WODs that involve weight, and I’m not choosing arbitrary numbers, I finally get why everyone always drops to the floor after it’s over!!!
Nice work 9:30!!! Have a great day!
Great job working through that fear Sam! You can jump much higher than you think!! Solid work on the DLs too!
“I’m mo green”
5+5 {box HSPU}
Good work 9:30 class, Thanks Sarah for great coaching! 🙂
Oly work today. kept light to focus on form.
“I’m mo green”
5 (1 Abmat, 225#)
Nice and spicy one today. Burpees were not the strongest part for me today, which is odd because I LOVE THEM! haha.
Nice job 930! Thanks Sarah for the tips!
Oly – HH Snatch
Kept it light to focus on speed under the bar
“I’m mo green”
4 + 7 (2 Abmats, 155#)
That weight was PERFECT – tough enough where I really wanted to break up the sets but I didn’t! That poor grip…. good work 5am, thanks PJ!
Thanks Mike for the superb coaching,,great job team 4:30!
Oly for technique
Mo Greene for 5 even @ 255# deads. ( pushed burps to warp speed with 30 seconds left to get the 5 ) exhausting!!!
Looked great tonight big guy!
Intervale on the assault bike 20on10off
1 min assault bike
5 strict T2B
10 step up 30 inches
15 ball slams #10
Quick and effective !
Thank you Sarah !
Gus! Good to see ya back!
Oly tonight…tweaking the snatch form. stayed light
I’m Mo Greene: got 4+13 275/HSPU…The first set of HSPU were quick but after heavy deads and those burpees the second set was a little slower but broke it in 2 3rd and 4th set I had to do singles but got them all plus my deads and 1 burpee 🙂
Fun but man that was a hard WOD…I liked it
Great work 7PM! Thanks Mike.
Solid work tonight Joe, very efficient!
Snatches last night! Still staying light to drill that form in, gotta get faster under the bar. Trying to work up the weight a little bit though since that’s where things start to fall apart.
Had a lot of fun with this WOD…Box HSPU, deads @ 155#, and burpees stepping over the bar…Definitely exhausted after the first round but I do love some heavy deads. Finished 4 rounds + 4 hspu.
Thanks Mike!
Looked great Liz!