Our CFRT Stron Ladies killing it at the Battle of the Belles!

Our CFRT Strong Ladies killing it at The Battle of the Belles!

Warm Up and Mobility

Strict or Bench Press
65% x 8
75% x 6
85% x 4
95% x 1-2
65% x 5-10

5 Rounds of Jump Practice
40 seconds of work, 20 seconds of rest

Open Prep
Max Strict HSPU
50 x Double Unders
Max Kipping HSPU
50 x Double Unders

20 x Wall Balls 20/14
10 x Burpees

Big day for the Strongman girls!! Great job on your first comp Danielle, Liz, Emily and Anna!! Congratulations to Marie for taking second place in her division!! Kate did awesome in her first comp in the weight divisions. Those weights were REALLY heavy!! And of course, to their (and our) amazing Strongman Coach Kelly for not only training all of these girls and encouraging them all to try out a competition but also placing second in masters and earning another shot at Nationals next year!! CFRT is so proud of all of you ladies!! ~ Sarah B