Henry winning his competition!

Henry winning his competition!

Warm Up and Mobility

The WOD – Armistice

9 minute AMRAP (As many rounds as possible)
100-meter sprint
11 sit-ups
11 air squats
100-meter sprint
22 sit-ups
22 air squats
100-meter sprint
33 sit-ups
33 air squats

*add 11 to the sit-ups and air squats for each additional round

2-minutes of rest, followed by:

9 minute AMRAP
100-meter sprint
11 pushups
11 box jumps (RX 24”/20”)
100-meter sprint
22 pushups
22 box jumps (RX 24”/20”)
100-meter sprint
33 pushups
33 box jumps (RX 24”/20”)

*add 11 to the pushups and box jumps for each round