CFRT Strong Ladies!

CFRT Strong Ladies!

Warm Up and Mobility

5 Rounds of Jump Rope Practice
40 seconds of work, 20 seconds rest

Open Prep
Go as far as you can 6 minutes, start over when you fail
1 x Strict HSPU
10 x Unbroken Double Unders
3 x Strict HSPU
20 x Unbroken Double Unders
5 x Strict HSPU’
30 x Unbroken Double Unders

First 3 Minutes
Clean Pull +Power Clean + Jerk
Last 3 Minutes
2 – 3 Clean and Jerk

“Pain Don’t Hurt”

Power Clean 225/145
25 x Double Unders between Rounds, (Ninjas go UB). End on Power Clean