Warm Up and Mobility
Front Squat
Gymnastics / Skill
Handstand Practice
Box Jump Practice
Open Prep
EMOM 6 (Quality)
Max HSPUs (40 seconds)
Max Box jumps (40 seconds )
“Paper Patching”
20 / 17 Calorie Row
15 x T2B
10 x Box Jumps 30 / 24
5 x Thrusters 165 / 115
Strength – front squats
125 x 2
135 x 2
145 x 2
150 x 2
155 x 1
Failed the 2nd rep at 155, buried myself
That would be 2 PRs though, 150 is (was) my 1RM
“Paper Patching”
2+30 (95#, 15/12/12 T2B)
Wrote my score wrong on the board, counted as if I did the 3 extra T2B. Hit my chin on one of the thrusters and chomped my tongue off (ok not really but felt like i did). Needed to take a little breather haha… Good work 5am, thanks PJ and Krystle!
andddd totally didn’t see the box jump height was 24″ 🙁
Strength- front squat – 195#
W Gaff. Felt good
Paper Patching – 3+4 (115#/ K to 90)
Great WOD – thanks for the tips, coaching and talk, PJ!
Awesome work, 5AMers!
Have a great day
Thanks to all the 5amers who put my stuff away! JUST made the train.
Strength work today, still keeping my squats somewhat light to keep form.
“Paper patching”
3+ 10 (85# / K2E)
Strength with LJ – worked up to #195 X 2
Paper Patching: 3 + 24 (115)
Great work 5 am, thx PJ and Krystle for the warm-up and tips.
Enjoy the day.
Rest day for this chica…I went back and forth, but I think I’m going to listen to my body today and take it easy.
Always listen to the body 🙂
Rest day for safety. Getting new tires today. YAY!!!!
Back at it tomorrow…maybe some EMOM…hmmmm
Hope no one wodded alone at 6 am.
STR Front Squat Make up – 1/5
75# x 8
85# x 6
100# x 5
85# x 5
75# x 7
“Paper Patching”
3 + 41 (K290, 65#)
Thrusters got heavy quick!
Awesome job 5am! Thanks Pj and Krystle!! Have a great day!!
Front Squat – got through 4 sets of 185# x 2. Felt good today.
“Paper patching”
3+43 (T2B, 30″ box jump, 115#). Need to work on kipping with the T2B because they go quickly for me once my hip flexors fatigue. Good showing for the 9:30 class. Thanks Mike for the pointers.
Post-WOD able to get in an easy paced 6 mile trail run around Gates Pond. The whole loop is plowed and good for running if anyone else is inclined to do do… no one… only me… never mind:)
Only 6 miles Melcher pffft 😉
Strength: 5×2 Front Squat
95 x2
105 x2
115 x2
125 x2
135 x2
Happy because 135lbs was my previous 1RM- wished today was new 1RM day because my squats felt really good today, but respecting the process, held back, and will wait!
WOD: got 2+5, in 10 minutes. Stopped at 6 min, then pushed to 10min- but decided that was enough as my left foot seriously cramped up. Boo 🙁
Great job 6pmers!! Thanks Mike, awesome class!!!!!
That has happened to me before as well, can be frustrating, looking really strong in that front squat!!
Paper Patching: 3+34
K2f, 63#
Killing it kid
Mobility And than Helped krystal with her lurong Wod, you killed girl, great job!!
Wod: 4 rounds {55#, T2E}
Big 4:30 class today, very fun.
Great job everyone!
Thanks Mike for great coaching!
Nice treat when you visit the night peeps, way to push hard as always!
Strength – Front Squat with Gil. Worked my way up to 185#. Squat felt great tonight.
3 + 18 (95#, T2B, 30″)
Great WOD. It’s tough to do that many T2Bs though without a kip. I really need to work on it more. Great job 7:00 pm! Thanks Mike!
Just keep working like you have everything else and you’ll master those soon enough!
265x 1 failed on second attempt
Really tried to work on a controlled squat today felt good just need to get use to it to get back to the power.
3+ 21 w/ 135# and 10 T2B
Awesome workout thrusters for spicy quick, need to work big time on my T2B but strung together boxes pretty fluidly overall felt good. Thanks as always Mike for the build in motivation to keep pushing and the coaching. Way to crush it 6pm.
Those front squats definitely looked way more controlled tonight!
Front squat 5X2 Strength partnered with Gary .
I worked up to a solid 245# X 2 with plenty of depth ” confirmed by Philly”
WOD = 3 + 11 cal row ( 135# )
Unbelievable 4:30 class in the house !! Tunes ,strength and WODS going at same time while Big Dawg had his conductor sticks working perfect! Nice job everybody ! Thanks Mike.
It was a fun packed house that’s for sure!
“paper patching”
3 + 22 (115#)
nice job 430! thanks Mike!