#22kill. 22 Push Ups for 22 days to raise awareness for Veteran Suicide. 22 Veterans take their life everyday. Until there is none.

#22kill. 22 Push Ups for 22 days to raise awareness for Veteran Suicide. 22 Veterans take their life everyday. Until there is none.

Warm Up and Mobility

60% x 5
70% x 5
80% x 3-5
70% x 5
60% x 8

Gymnastics / Skill
T2B Practice
Jump Rope Practice

Open Prep
Max Strict T2B  (40 seconds)
Max Double Unders   (40 seconds )

“Palace Hotel Ballroom”
20 x OHS 115 / 75
10 x Burpees Box Jumps 24 / 20
25 x Double Unders
15 x Thrusters
10 x Burpees Box Jumps
25 x Double Unders
10 x OHS
10 x Burpees Box Jumps
25 x Double Unders
5 x Thrusters
10 x Burpees Box Jumps
25 x Double Unders