22 Push Ups for 22 Days to raise awareness getting done at the McCabe Wedding. Our community always supporting the cause even in a wedding dress!

22 Push Ups for 22 Days to raise awareness of Veteran Suicide,  getting done at the McCabe Wedding. Our community always supporting the cause even in a wedding dress!

Warm Up and Mobility

OTM 6 Clean and Jerk Complex
First 3 Minutes
Hang Clean Pull + Hang Power Clean + Jerk
Last 3 Minutes
2 – 3 Hang Clean and Jerk (Singles)

Strict or Bench Press
65% x 5
75% x 5
85% x 3
90% x 1-2
75% x 3
65% x 3

1 x HH Power Snatch  + Hang Power Snatch  + Power Snatch