Warm Up and Mobility
Back Squat
65% x 8
75% x 6
85% x 3-5
75% x 5
65% x 7
Super Set way down for experience
Gymnastics / Skill
Pull Up Practice
Box Jump Practice
Open Offseason
Max Strict C2B
3 x Hurdle
“The Map”
1 x HH Squatย Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squatย Clean
Immediately into
7 x Burpees over bar
25 x Double Unders
BS with Dunleavy: 160/185/210
The Map: 95 for 5 rds, 105 for 5 rds
Really working on dialing in the form and hitting the positions with consistency
AMRAP 4: 3 + 28 (50-singles)
Great work 5am, thanks for the warmup PJ
enjoy the day
This was a fun wod today!
Gymnastic work- focused on kip swing from dead hang, banded strict pull ups and 30 inch box jumps.
“The Map”
100# and 2 + 21
Thank you again mike
Gym – worked on kipping, hip explosion thingies, ring rows and box jumps. Couldn’t get a single jump from the floor today – still let the nerves get to me even though I know I can do it. Is there a Shrink in the box?
Map – climbed from 45# to 70# – these felt pretty good today and Coach Pj said they looked really good today – win-win (as All We do is Win came across the airwaves).
Got exactly 3 rounds for the AMRAP – did real burpees and jumps for the first 2 rounds; then stepped out the burpees and stepped over the bar in the last round to keep moving and finish.
6am all stars have been small lately – need to start summer recruiting ๐
Great to have Cassie back in the morning ๐
Thanks Coach Pj!
GYM – hung around on the rig with Miss Janet. Worked on pull up movement on a big stack of plates/ring rows/jumping on plates.
The Map – got to 75# and just could not get it…back to 70# for the rest.
AMRAP – 2 + 7 (50 singles) blood was pumping after that fun!
So happy to see Cassie – it was a small group of All Stars but fun was had by all the stars.
EMOMing to Win win win…is a win win WIN!
Thanks PJ – that was quite a squatastic warm up. If I drop something on the floor today it is staying there.
STR – Back Squat
100# x 8
115# x 6
130# x 5
115# x 5
100# x 7
The Map – Worked my way up to 85# – Still trying to get used to the hang position – it’s getting there.
AMRAP – 3 + 7 (50 singles)
Legs. So. Tired.
THANK YOU Pj for the squats!! Seriously, beach season is fast approaching – No pain, no gain!!
Awesome job 5am – Have a great day!!
Str- back squats
“The map”
4 (2x sing)
Great job everyone!! See you next Wednesday! ๐
Back squat:
185 x 8
215 x 6
245 x 3
215 x 5
185 x 7
5 + 10
Kept the cleans light. Felt good to dial in on form and figure out things that needed to be tweaked. Thanks for tips Sarah!
Nice job 930! Thanks Sarah!
Strength -Back squat
65%x 8: 115lbs
75%x 6: 130lbs
85%x 3: 150lbs
75%x 5: 130lbs
65%x 7: 115lbs
WOD EMOM: HH Sq cl + H Sq cl + Sq cl
55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 100, 105f
AMRAP 4: 7 burpees over bar + 50 single unders and some dubs : 3+43
Great job 430pmers! Thanks KellyG!
Knees OUT! ๐
Great job today Judy!
Felt really heavy. My knee is still funky.
The Map:
Only worked up to 63 because I’m focusing on form.
Back Squat partnered with Al
95, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145(x3), 135(x2)
3+37 (2x sing)
Thank you PJ
Back Squat – partnered with William
65% x 8-165#
75% x 6-185#
85% x 3-210#
75% x 5-185#
65% x 7-165#
Worked up to 115#
4 + 4 (2 x singles)
Great job 7:00 p.m. Thanks Pj!
Strength ( with Duano) Back Squat
65 X 8 @ 225#
75 X 6 @ 260#
85 X 3 @ 295# ( super set next 2 sets )
75 X 5 @ 260#
65 X 7 @ 225#
WOD : 115- 125-130-130-135-135-140-115-115-115
stopped at 140# because I knew my form was slacking ,could of increased and muscled em up but that would have been counter productive to the process I have know to love,trust and get pissed off at ๐
3 + 7 ( dubs )
Dubs were broken up all over the friggin place NOT by choice ! Getting better slowly but surely . Thanks Duane for the continued dub tips .
Nice class everyone! Thanks Kelly!
Glad you went with dubs. Only way to get better is to do them!
Had the pleasure of coaching the 4:30 crew today. Awesome work everyone!
Jumped in on 6pm class as well. Kept cleans really light to focus in on form. AMRAP 4 got 2 rounds + 7 I think. Might have written it wrong on the board.
Great work 6pm!