Warm Up and Mobility
Movie Clue – Riff-off
The Ghost
6 Rounds for Total Reps in 23 minutes
1 minute of Rowing (for calories)
1 minute of Burpees
1 minute of Double-Unders
1 minute Rest
Score is total reps after all 6 rounds, but the spirit of the workout is to try for as many reps as possible of each exercise, not just total score.
The Ghost/Riff-Off
Cal: 114 Burpees: 71 Dubs: 75
Total: 260
Decided to forgo singles and try dubs and ended up with 75 total! Despite how I looked after this WOD, I enjoyed it!
Have a great day all!
GOOD MORNING!!!! What a great way to start the day. I really enjoyed this metcon even though i was left panting on the floor. hehe
The Ghost
Dub’s really slowed me down. I tried to keep a steady pace throughout for the burpees and continually hit a certain number. The row I moved a little faster. Great way to start my day. See you this weekend.
I knew this would be a tough one, but it was confirmed when I walked in at the end of the 5am and they all looked so dazed, confused and drippy. So much so, that Coach Pj had to bring out the big mop.
The Ghost – 458 (74 cals, 61 burpees, 323 dubs)
The rower just zaps me, burpees were step in/outs, dubs were pretty good for a couple of rounds.
Been a real low energy week for some reason. Going to try to take some real rest days. So, if you see me before Sunday morning, send me home or sit me down.
Great job today 6am all stars. Math is hard and it was doubly hard today when trying to do it when totally exhausted.
Nice visit from our old friend Mrs. V.
Thanks Coach Pj – will work on those padded rower seats.
“The Ghost” – 892 (singles)
More awesomeness Sixers. Love it. Thanks PJ!
When there is rest incorporated in the WOD…there is trouble!
Two of my least favorite movements – And I hate jump rope even more than burpees.
The Ghost – 422 (94 row, 38 burpees, 290 singles)
So tired – especially my legs I could barely jump up to get the rope under my feet. I tried doing sets of 15 then went to 10 but is was so slow. The best part was…wait there was no best part…except hanging out with the All Stars and our guest Star Stephanie.
All the things hurt so I guess it has been a good week at CFRT…oh but there’s still Friday.
Thanks PJ – you know your way around a mop and we needed it today.
The Ghost:
A rough one to come back to after being home with a cold for 5 days. But I love Rowing and jumping rope!!! Someday I’ll make my peace with burpees, but not today.
Total 766 (singles)
Rower 104
Burpees 46
Singles 616
My performance was a real mixed bag. I was pretty consistent in my rows. Steadily dropped reps on the burpees. And sort of dropped off and came back again on the jump rope.
Goal for next time is to be faster on the burpees and do dubs.
ROW Burpees Dubs singles
15 17 100+
15 17 80+
15 17 60+
15 13 50+
15 13 40+
16 14 40+
Great work today 5 am
Did singles until I tripped up, then worked dubs the rest of the minute so my dubs score is skewed.
Thx PJ – great work 5 am.
Enjoy the day.
The Ghost
754 (singles)
Strong Work 9:30!
Thanks Coach Mike!
The Ghost!
843 {singles}
Burpees after cal row.. Omg..
I’m glad I did and I’m done with it, fun wod at 9:30, big class.. Great job everyone. It’s nice to have you back coach Mike! 🙂
The Ghost
Total – 911 (singles)
Row – 125
Burpees – 56
Singles – 730
Happy with my rowing – it is usually the first thing to go. My legs did not like the transition to burpees – they were toast! That minute rest was key!! Now that the workout is over I can say that it was TOTALLY FUN!!
Awesome job 5am!
Thank you Pj – Not sure what you were saying during the workout but it was super motivating to me today – I needed it!!
Have a great day!!
Nice work Keri! 9-1-1 – needed to call them. 😉
Haha totally fun…it was! Once I could stand up of course.
RIGHT!! Totally wiped me out!! Awesome job!!
Got 439
Great workout that just kept you moving the whole time. Controlling the breathing on the row was key for me for sure. Was very consistent throughout the workout which I was happy about only thing is I wish I had more legs on the dubs those caught up to me quick. Great job this morning 5am and thanks as always PJ needed that push on the last row.
Nice big 9:30 today! Everyone wanted to get in and earn that fitness!!
“The Ghost” – 633 single unders
This one was definitely mental. Concentrating on just those 60 seconds you’re in made all the difference. Lots of self talk to get me through this one.
Thanks Phil for giving this one to us & thanks to Mike for getting us through it!
Amazing work 9:30! Have a great day guys!
Casper the friendly Ghost ( 404 )
Cal Row – 112 —- Burps – 110 —- Dubs – 182
My dubs are getting better for sure but still a crutch when it come to WODs ,,,sooner or later I will welcome them with open arms ,lol
Nice work bustin ass everybody !!
Thanks Mike for your usual motivational military style!!! Love it!
Rest day
Great job everyone !
The Ghost
923 singles
I loved this one but I don’t think I’ve enjoyed a 1 minute rest more in my life! Great job 7:00 pm! Thanks for getting us through it Mike!
923 (singles)
I’m happy I kept it pretty consistent for the 6 rounds, the burpees were the hardest movement to me.
Thank you Mike
This was definitely a big test that we will definitely revisit five or 6 months from now, maybe sooner 😉 Phil has done this workout a ton and I finally got to put in the programming for him. Thanks Phil for explaining the history of the workout. We are so proud of you guys when you push like you did today!
Glad to hear we will see this one again! Definitely a love/hate relationship with this one. But those are usually the ones that make you better. Great work today everyone! Make sure to keep track of your reps and scale so next time you can compare and see the Unbelievable Improvement!!
“The Ghost”
Really was shooting for 600 but 577 is the most Ive ever scored so Ill take it! This wod is a great way to test your fitness and you guys all proved that hard work pays off! Great work today Rail Trailers!!
Great wod tonight…always expect built in rest means trouble! I was actually able to control my breathing between rounds enough to prepare for the next one, though. Fairly consistent the whole time – I wasn’t keeping exact track but I hit 10-11 cal every time, 7-8 burpees most rounds, ~100 singles, give or take. Singles had the most varied reps between trying to control breathing after burpees and how many times I tripped over the rope. I wont say I’m looking forward to doing this one again, but it will be a good benchmark for sure.
Awesome 6pm (full of coaches!) Thanks Mike!
I start rambling and forget half the point of posting online is so I can get my reps for next time…678 total.
Hola. I got 1124 on this one with singles. My back has been stiff and not happy this week so i wasn’t sure how this would go, but after the warm up I was feeling good. It didn’t hurt during the workout and I think this actually helped to loosen it up. I did singles for the WOD….if there is one thing I’m actually good at, it’s unbroken singles 🙂 I ended up liking this one a lot and I look forward to doing it again sometime.
WOD: 544 reps
Wasn’t sure how I was going to feel on lack of sleep but glad I got to do it. Can’t wait to retest this WOD!
Thanks Mike!
The Ghost
6 Rounds for Total Reps in 23 minutes (365)
1 min Rowing/cal 14 12 12 12 11 11
1 min Burpees 9 7 6 6 6 6
1 min Singles 40 32 47 43 54 37
1 min Rest