Warm Up and Mobility
Gymnastics / Skill
Handstand Practice
Jump Rope Practice
Open Offseason
5 – 10 Unbroken Strict HSPU’S
Unbroken Double Unders (no more than 50)
Push Press
3 x 5
Push Jerk
3 x 5
“Wet Bandits”
Power Snatch + Squat Snatch
Immediately into
Squat Snatch
Start around 50 % of 1RM, and climb.
Once form breaks down, go back down to last successful set and hold
5 strict HSPU (25# plates on sides)
50 UB dubs
Power snatch + squat snatch
Squat snatch
Good work 5am, thanks pj!
What a way to start the day!!
Oly work. Trying to focus more on moving quick under the bar and getting a little lower.
“Wet bandits”
75#/ PRed at 95#
Squat snatch is the hardest lift for me so I tried to focus on form as much as possible. Three falls later… I hit a second PR in two weeks!!
Nice Anna!!
“Wet Bandits”: 85#, 95#
Snatch movement is like calculus: you gotta work at it. Glad to have worked at it today.
Thanks for the coaching PJ…I’m chipping away.
Enjoy the day all.
OLY – Worked on form and keeping my heels planted. Feels very different when I do it correctly!
“Wet Bandits” –
Both EMOMs – I stayed at 65#.
Can’t quite land in the squat – I ride it down – so I kept my focus on form today.
Awesome job today 5am!!
Thanks for the great coaching Pj!!
Have a great day!!
OLY – Heels heels heels! Keep them down! Definitely feels different when I keep them down.
“Wet Bandits”
#1 – 15/20/25/30/35/35
#2 – 35/40/45/50/55/55
EMOM with a side of EMOM – better then EMOM with a side of AMRAP
Squat Snatches are not my thing…I don’t squat well enough but I worked on the snatch and tried to get lower.
Thanks Coach PJ for all the tips at the rig and the EMOM.
A wee group of All Stars but fun times were had by all!
Took the day off to Spring clean. Functional Fitness at its best!
AMRAP windows, walls and floors!
Working on Strict Handstand push ups and Dubs. I think I am going to invest in a new/better quality rope.
“Wet Bandits”
That 85# was difficult the first couple of attempts, but I managed to make it twice, so I am pretty excited about that!
Rockstar 9:30 class this morning! Thanks Mike!
Looking solid Taylor!
Oly – worked push press, push jerk
EMOM 1-6: 75-95
EMOM 7-12: 95-135
Thanks for the set up pointers PJ. Great work 5 am.
Enjoy the day.
Perfect timing for night off Night off! Have plans . Kick ass everybody !
Kept it on the lighter side and worked on form tonight. Push jerks are finally starting to look different than my push presses.
WODs (all Power Snatches)
Worked up to 105# (20# PR). I’m slowly starting to feel more comfortable and as a result the weights are going up. Progress!
Thanks Mike and Gaff! Great job 7:00 pm!
Your getting there Brian , stick with it!
OLY tonight, felt pretty good. Think I’ve done a better job at recovering after my comp in April than I have before. Don’t feel nearly as weak or “off” as I normally do.
Snatches felt on point tonight. Stayed lighter since it’s been a while since I’ve worked snatch but felt really good.
Awesome work tonight 6pm! Great class Mike and Gaff!
Oly push jerks
Snatches for form, light weight. Keep back tight!
*Bonus points to Gaff for showing me where to post online. I’ve finally made it…
Strict HSPU
Dub attempts
1st EMOM6
95(x3), 105, 115(x2)
2nd EMOM6
115(x3), 125(x3)
Not as good as I anticipated but I held on to it and grinded it out
Thank you Mike and Gaff
You did just fine Mister 😉
Oly work tonight. Worked up to..85# I think? Working on getting under the bar.
I really really really super loved this wod. I like the emom oly wods anyway but the single rep format definitely encouraged me to add more weight than I’d planned and focus on the quality of each rep. I’m way more confident with the power snatch so it definitely helped to have both in the wod. Did I mention I liked this wod? I don’t know what my “max” squat snatch was before but I worked up to 70# today.
Thanks Mike & Gaff.
Love this!