The day the best CrossFit Community was officially formed!!

The day the best CrossFit Community was officially formed!!

Warm Up and Mobility

Movie Clue – Two for Flinching

Happy 2 Year Anniversary CFRT!!

Partner Workout

Opening Day Version 3.0


20 x  T2B
10 x  Burpees
10 x Med Ball Clean Wall Ball Shot

15 x T2B
15 x Burpees
10 x Med Ball Clean Wall Ball Shot

10 x T2B
20 x Burpees
10 x Med Ball Clean Wall Ball Shot

One partner Runs 300m w/ med ball 20/14 while the other works on AMRAP

*This is a different variation from the first two years with another movement added this year.


You should notice that rep scheme is not the same from our Opening Day. There is a big reason for this.  The T2B rep scheme was very light compared to a heavy number of burpees. When doing our outdoor classes we obviously never did T2B but we definitely did Burpees. So the T2B was more of an introduction. Last year I made it a partner workout as it fell on Partner Day and made it harder but added in a plate run. And now this year you guys have raised the bar so high I lowered the number of burpees down. This means you guys will get more rounds , therefore doing way more T2B and oh ya med ball cleans! 😉

We are truly blessed to have started such a phenomenal community full of the best people we have ever met. You guys have taken it and made CFRT the place to be, not just for fitness but for everyday life! With your compassion for one another. Your integrity for always doing the right thing the right way. Your heart that you pour into every workout, no matter how hard things get. Your great sense of pride in YOUR gym by always keeping it clean and never allowing others to not do the same. Bad attitudes and egos have never thrived and never will at CFRT because you guys have set such a positive and supporting climate. You guys work hard every day, never make excuses and you genuinely care for one another. We are proud to be your Coaches and we thank you for being you! Here’s to another great year CFRT!

Please do me a favor and post your name ,when you joined CrossFit Rail Trail and your best memory or experience so far!