Warm Up and Mobility
1RM Snatch
Back Squat
5 x 5
10 x C2B Pull Ups
25 x Double Unders
10 x Back Rack Lunges 155/105
25 x Double Unders
10 x Shoulder to Overhead
Warm Up and Mobility
1RM Snatch
Back Squat
5 x 5
10 x C2B Pull Ups
25 x Double Unders
10 x Back Rack Lunges 155/105
25 x Double Unders
10 x Shoulder to Overhead
Oly – snatch
Hit 120, failed 130 a bunch of times… SO close 🙁
2+77 (95#)
Felt like I was moving in slo-mo during the WOD, arms were saying no prob cause of the multiple 130 attempts right before. Butterfly c2b were on point, did first round unbroken then 5/5 for the other 2 rounds. Good work 5am, thanks pj!
OLY – worked up to 145, need to work on a faster turnover.
JAZZ: 3 + 5 (115/mixed dubs with singles)
Great work 5 am, thx PJ & Mike.
Enjoy the day.
CAPTION: True Love is your soul’s recognition of its counterpoint in another – John Beckwith/Owen Wilson (Wedding Crashers)
Nice Gaff!
OLY: Failed at 85#. Got my old 1RM of 75#. Need to practice this movement more.
Jazz: 3 + 7
Started with C2B but ended with pull-ups, 2x singles
OLY: Squat Snatch
Worked up to 135# (10# PR) and remained there, focusing on form-form-form. Best output of OLY sess was to see that I can be a lot more hip aggressive after clearing low-hang. Coach PJ and Coach Mike, thanks for the guidance on setup: butt down, mid-back engaged, bar tight against the shins, chest up.
“Jazz”: 4 (105#, singles 2x)
Great energy this morning All-Stars. Enjoy the day all.
OLY: Squat Snatch – didn’t got for a 1 RM but worked on form up to 35#.
“Jazz” – 3 + 10 (45#, rr, singles,lunges)
I started out slow and wondered if I should have taken another rest day – but it got better. Probably the best singles in a long time. Pushed to do some of the ring rows in the low position like the challenge WOD. I need to practice them as often as I can.
Nice work All Stars! Nice to have Coach PJ back at the helm.
And the nice cool morning are definitely appreciated!
STR – Back Squat Make Up 9/21
10 x 95#
8 x 110#
5 x 125#
6 x 110#
8 x 95#
Jazz – 3 + 61 (jumping pull ups, 2 x singles, #65)
Today during the pull ups I could feel my arms actually pulling myself up. Not sure how to explain other than I feel that I have gotten stronger – so that is AWESOME!!
Thanks Pj!! Awesome job 5am!!
Caption: “I’m gonna crush your head!!” “No, I’m gonna to crush YOUR head!!”
Feeling better on rr, I hope to move up to jumping pull ups within the next month. PR on back squat 115# (up 10 from last time 1 rep max)
Good job on the PR Nicole!
STR: back squat make up
10 x 115#
8 x 135#
4 x 165#
6 x 135#
8 x 115#
WOD: 3 + 20 (75#, 2 x singles)
Fun class with Coach Phil!
Worked my way up to 165# on the snatch (30# PR) felt really really good today.. thanks for pointing out to adjust my foot work on the drop Gaff huge help.. speed through the middle felt quick and smooth very happy with this today.
Got 3+4 w/ 125#
Great workout that kept me moving the whole time, with the assistance of motivation by Gaff of course, pulls felt good, BRL were quick and dubs were mostly unbroken got held up on the S2O could not find the grove and my shoulders were feeling fatigued.
Great class today Gaff appreciate all the pointers and pushes.. Awesome energy today 430 fun to be a part of everyone crushed it for sure.
I can’t really make out the 2 people in the pix that well to do a caption but they certainly look like two very good looking men for sure
Great work start to finish today, Tony T.
Snatches looked strong and you were able to move consistently throughout the WOD.
Worked on strength today to see where my back squat is, specifically focusing on form while trying to add weight. Started at 65, 85, 95, 105, 115, 5×5. Wondering what my 1RM is!
WOD: 3 + 30, did ring rows and doubled the single unders. 35# felt a bit light but I’m not the strongest with back rack lunges yet, but overall felt good!!
Thanks for the awesome coaching PJ, welcome back!! Way to kick butt 6am’ers!!
Thursday 9/29/16
OLY- snatch work, focused on form
WOD- got 5+60
went lighter unbroken 55lb G2OH,
2xsingles, lunges, RR
Another awesome class Gaff, thank you! Fantastic work 430pmers!
Great work tonight, Judy. Love how you just take everything in like a sponge and then apply it to your work.
Hydrate up!
Thank you Gaff!
Oops, meant S2OH
Back squat – 255# (5# PR)
I failed my first attempt but took a long break after and was able to get it on my second attempt.
WOD – 3 + 119 (105#, 2 x singles)
Those S2O got spicy after the 1st round. Great job 7:00 pm! Thanks Gaff!
Congrats on the PR! No doubt about that one, solid lift!
Great work tonight, constant movement during the wod.
>OLY – 1RM Snatch
95, 115, 135, 145, 155, 165, 180(F)
…not today…
>WOD- 3+5 (135#, DUBs attempts)
Great pic TonyT and Monsini!
Thank you Gaff!
Great work tonight, Gus. You got some really solid snatches in today, and you persevered through a tough wod at a great pace.
Rest up.
Oly – Snatch
Worked up to 135#
Super happy with this, Achilles felt great after PT.
3+45 @ 95#
Great snatch work tonight, your self assessment was spot on, work that speed through the middle and fast turnover, and that weight will be skyrocketing.
Awesome job, tonight.
OLY- snatches, i was able to successful do this lift with 75#, failed with 80
WOD- 3+6 (jumping pull ups, 55#, 25 singles/double attempts)
Killed it 6pm. Thanks, Gaff!
Great OLY session – snatches looked real good, great push during the WOD!
Worked all day ,was in Boston then went to Evans football game in the sticks out west somewhere then ,drove him back then 2.5hr parent night at Assabet !
Looks like everyone killed it as usual !