Warm Up and Mobility
Partner Workout
“One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest”
600m Row
50 x Double Unders
40 x Wall Balls 20/14
30 x Box Jumps 24/20
20 x T2B
10 x Thrusters 135/95
One person works while the other runs 300m
Intro WOD
50 x Single Unders
40 x Push Ups
30 x Sit Ups
20 x Air Squats
One person works while the other runs 200m
“One flew over the cuckoos nest”
Team Bolivia
1+736 (95# for both of us, he did 18# WB)
Good work 8am, thanks pj and Phil!
Unexpected and forced rest day, boo!
Looked like a fun one!
I totally missed out on doing any jump rope, but did so much rowing!
14# wall ball, 20″ step ups, knee2chest, 35# thrusters, ran 300’s
Scott’s first WOD as a member! Row, singles, 8#wb, step up, k2fab, 45# thrusters, ran 200’s
1 + 735
Partnered with Jon ,great partner ,!
Aka “Team Bic “