logo-liftoff-powered-by-rogueWarm Up and Mobility

Reminder no 4:30 class ,HardCore will be at 430. Fiesta will begin at 5:30!

“Cheyenne Indians”
With a running clock complete,
Minutes 0:00-7:30
Heavy Snatch

Minutes 7:30-15:00
Heavy Clean and Jerk


Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:

25 Ring Dips
50 Calorie Row
100 Overhead Squats 45/35
50 Box Jumps 24/20
25 Ring Dips

If you signed up for the Liftoff Online you must do Pull Ups instead of Ring Dips. If you didn’t do Thursdays workout you can do Pull ups as well. Any questions ask a Coach or ask in the group page


Scaled Workout

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:

25 jumping pull-ups

50-calorie row

100 overhead squats

50 box jumps

25 jumping pull-ups


M 45-lb. barbell and 24-in. boxF 35-lb. barbell and 20-in. box