Warm Up and Mobility
Snatch Drops 1 x 3
Snatch Balance 2 x 3
OHS 3 x 2
Strict or Bench Press
5 x 2
For Time
C2B Pull Ups
Box Jumps 30/24
Front Squats 135/95
Warm Up and Mobility
Snatch Drops 1 x 3
Snatch Balance 2 x 3
OHS 3 x 2
Strict or Bench Press
5 x 2
For Time
C2B Pull Ups
Box Jumps 30/24
Front Squats 135/95
OLY – worked up to 145#
95#, Chin Over Bars
Way to get after it 5 am, thanks for the coaching PJ.
OLY – stayed super light to work on the dropping under the bar.
Bodybuilder – 8:49
(RR, 20″ step-ups, 45#)
Nothing like 2 days in a row of 21-15-9; another triplet, no less.
Great job by the all stars gutting this one out until the end.
Thanks Coach Pj!!
Strength: Strict Press
Worked up to 150# – a 5# PR. I was seriously melted after WOD, so please ignore or erase my note in STR column of 25# PR.
“Bodybuilder”: 10:23 (95#, C2B/KPU)
I knew this was trouble when the PU were the chance to catch my breath. Really needed the push from Coach PJ and Janet…and everyone. Thanks!
Nice way to start the week All-Stars.
Str: strict press
8:55? {I can’t remember}
{65# front squat, jump pull ups, 20″ box jump}
Great job all star.
Thanks coach PJ! 🙂
STR: Strict Press
WOD: “Bodybuilder”
10:04 (95#)
Great job 9:30!
Thanks Phil!
STR – Strict Press Make up 10/5
5 x 55#
5 x 65#
3 x 70#
2 x 75#
3 x 65#
3 x 55#
Bodybuilder – 9:50 (65#, Jumping Pull Ups, 20″)
WOD felt good after being out for a week. Was winded from the warm up!! Squats are deceiving!!
Amazing work 5am!! Thank you PJ!! Have an awesome day!!
Strength: 105#.
WOD: 9:30 (95#, KPU, 24″ box)
Thanks for a fun class, Coach Phil!
Strength Strict Press 5×2
55, 65, 70, 75, 80lbs
WOD- modified due to Comp yesterday
21-15-9 of
Box step ups 20in
55lbfront squats
Great class Gaff!!! Awesome job 430pmers! Gus and Matt- No, I was not crying in that photo!!!! Lol!!
7:39 for the time , forgot to write
Great work Judy, strict presses looked solid and you kept a consistent movement throughout the wod.
STR- 5×2, worked with Mel! 45/55/65/70/75
WOD- 8:57 (jumping pull ups, 20″ box jumps, 55 #)
Great job 6 pm and thank you Chris!
Strength – worked up to 3X2 @ 125#. Shoulder is cranky but mobility helping
WOD- 10:32
Kipping pull-ups ( thanks Chris for the helpful coaching). Work in progress. 24″ box, 105# on fronts. That hurt:). Great job everyone! Happy Monday
5 x 2
Worked up to 125#
9:46 (105#)
Felt pretty good to be back after about a week and a half off. Great job 7:00 pm! Thanks Monsini!
Regardless of your political persuasion please make sure you exercise your right to vote tomorrow if you haven’t already done so!
Jumping pull-ups – plate jumps #35
Thanks coach Chris
Forgot to post this morning.
Oly work up to 95#
“Body builder”
8:38 (75# \ 20″\ jumping PU)
Worked up to 145#
Felt good today these are coming along slower than I would like but progress is showing so happy about that.
Got 9:33
Really liked this WOD today. Went unbroken on the pulls in the first 2 rounds then broke the set of 9 up 6-3. Boxes were steady and front squats only put the bar down once. Thanks for the pushes this morning PJ and Way to work today 5am everyone crushed it.