Warm Up and Mobility
“Five Minute Window”
4 x Deficit HSPUs 45/25# plate
5 x Squat Clean 205/145
6 x Box Jump Overs 30/24
Rest 2 minutes
7 x HSPUs
8 x Power Clean 185/125
9 x Box Jump Overs 24/20
Warm Up and Mobility
“Five Minute Window”
4 x Deficit HSPUs 45/25# plate
5 x Squat Clean 205/145
6 x Box Jump Overs 30/24
Rest 2 minutes
7 x HSPUs
8 x Power Clean 185/125
9 x Box Jump Overs 24/20
Rest day
That was a lie… accidentally posted that here instead of yesterday’s
“Five minute window”
3+4 (125#)
3+15 (105#)
Good work 5am, thanks krystle
Round One: 4+7
25# deficit, 145#, 24″ BJO
Round Two: 4+3
HSPUs, 125#, 20″ BJO
Great warmup and barbell mob Krystle- way to work 5am.
Enjoy the day.
First AMRAP- 5 75# bhspu
Second AMRAP- 4+7 55# bhspu
Love time with the 6 AM Allstars and Koach k 😉 happy Tuesday everyone
Five minute window
4 + 4 (box, knee 1abm, 85# pc, 24″ step overs)
4 + 16 (20#DB press, 65#, 20″ step overs).
First time in awhile on the box hspu; probably could have handled pike and a couple of ab mats; did 20# DB presses (mostly strict) in the 2nd round. Knees had no squat in them today, so did power cleans on both sets. Cleans didn’t feel right at all today. After the 24″ step overs, I almost flew over the box on the first 20″.
Attempted a wall walk in the warm-up, but didn’t get too far (nor did it hurt).
Great class Koach K!
“Five Minute Window”
first AMRAP 10: 4 rounds
HSPU on box in pike position- finally feel like I’m getting stronger with these
24″ box jump overs
second AMRAP 10: 5+7
75#- feel like I should have done 85#
HSPU on knees on box
20″ box jump overs
great job 6am!
“Five Minute Window”
6 + 4 (20# db press, 65#, plate step overs)
7 + 11 (15# db press, 55#, plate step ups)
I almost didn’t come in because I was tired and achy but I thought if I didn’t I might feel worse. So I played it fairly safe – maybe a little too light on the cleans but that’s ok. Stimulus was achieved. My form was not great on the cleans – no squatting because my knee is bothering me so they were power – I tried to slow down to use my legs more and not muscle it up but I muscled more than I should have which is why I should have gone heavier and slower – noted for next time.
Between the warm up and the work out I did feel “better” afterwards…funny how that works!
Great work All Stars!
Thanks Koach Krystle! Great motivation as usual!
WOD: first AMRAP 10: 4 rounds
HSPU on box off knees
20″ box jump overs
second AMRAP 10: 5 rounds
65#- feel like I could have done 75# but The whole thing still kicked me in the butt so defintley stimulus achieved!
HSPU on knees on box
20″ box jump overs
Way to work this morning 6AM, awesome job! Thanks Coach K!!
Rd 1: 4+2
175# SC
30″ BJO
Rd 2: 4+9
155# PC
24″ BJO
OG w/ Phil
Five Minute Window
1st AMRAP – 4 + 4 (Box HSPU, 95#, 20#)
2nd AMRAP – 4 + 4 (Box HSPU, 85#, 20#)
Great job 5am! Thank you Krystle!!
Have a great day!!
“Five Minute Window”
AMRAP 10: 5+9(Box HSPU, #75, 20″)
AMRAP 10: 5+4 (Box HSPU, #65, 20″ box jumps)
Thank you Krystle for coaching! Good night to you all.
“Five Minute Window”
AMRAP 10: 5+9 (Box HSPU, #75, 20″)
AMRAP 10: 5+4 (Box HSPU, #65, 20″ box jumps)
Thank you Krystle for coaching! Good night to you all.
Last day of travel…Travel WOD #9 21-15-9 Air Squats Push-ups 3:45
Tuesday 1/31/17
“Five Minute Window”
4 x Deficit HSPUs 10lb plate
5 x Squat Clean 105lbs
6 x Box Jump Overs 20in
(Got 3+3)
Rest 2 minutes
7 x HSPUs, all unbroken strict w/1ab
8 x Power Clean 85lbs
9 x Box Jump Overs 20in
(Got 3+15)
Jump rope and Dubs practice, nutrition challenge.
First time doing deficit hspu; first two rounds I was learning I needed more force in my kip and hips. Third round I did them unbroken and felt good. Thanks Mike for the encouragement!
That was a fun wod, and a doozy, especially the squat cleans which felt very heavy today! Great job 430pmers!!
This one was fun….subbed hspu for regular push ups from toes, used 1 ab mat first round and 2 ab mats the second. 85# squat cleans, 75# power cleans, box step overs and then step ups, 20″ both rounds. Round 1 finished 3+10, round 2 finished 3+11.
Great class, nice to see coach Mike once in a while, saw some new faces too. Thanks Mike!
It has been awhile
AMRAP 10: 3 + 8, 1 ab mat
5 Squat clean 95#
6 BJO 24″
AMRAP 10: 3 + 15, 1 ab mat, 10# plate
8 PC 85#
9 BJO 20″
HSPUs were a struggle. Couldn’t link them in first round and then was inconsistent.
Looked good to me Katie!
Drop in at CrossFit Portsmouth. Really missed CFRT today, but felt a bit at home when I spotted Joe Braga in a picture on the wall haha…..
WOD was a bit similar being back to back 10 min AMRAPs
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
10 min AMRAP
12 OH lunges (95/65#)(75/55#)
9 T2B
Rest 5:00
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
10 min AMRAP
3 MU’s
6 HSPU’s
18 cals on AB
6 and 2+18
He was on the wall really??
Haha, I’m going to tell him this !! Must have been from Lumberjack20!
Amrap 10
3+7 (90#, box hspu 1 an mat)
Amrap 10
2+7 (80#, same as above but stretched further out)
Great work!
Five Minute Window
AMRAP 10 (6 + 8)
4 x Box HSPUs
5 x DB Squat Clean 50#
6 x Box Jump Overs 30″
Rest 2 minutes
AMRAP 10 (6 + 1)
7 x Box HSPUs
8 x DB Power Clean 40#
9 x Box Jump Overs 24″
Awesome job 7:00 pm! Way to grind through those! Thanks Mike!
So good with that Dumbell and box Jump overs!
Oops! Forgot to post yesterday. 🙁
But So glad I got to gym at 5am. I have missed it. Also, an unexpected 14 hour work day would have blocked me from coming in for an evening WOD.
Went lighter today and focused on form. A little over 4 rounds for each AMRAP.
AMRAP 10 (4+8)
4 x strict HSPU, 2 abmats
5 x squat Clean 85#
6 x Box Jump Overs 20″
Rest 2 minutes
AMRAP 10 (4+14)
7 x Pike HSPUs
8 x Power Clean 75#
9 x Box Jumps 20″
I really enjoyed this workout. The squat cleans were definitely the hardest to push through. Thank you, Coach Mike and great job 7 pm.