Bring in a buddy today, and stay for social!

Warm Up and Mobility

Bring a Friend Day!!

“Howard Stern”
80 x Double Unders
40 x Wall Balls 20/14
20 x Burpees
10 x SDHP 155/105
500m Row
One person works at a time

Intro Workout
60 x Jumping Jacks
30 x Air Squats
20 x Ball Slams
10 x Burpees over Ball
400m Run (100m Increments)
One person works while the other rests
All movements and reps are modifiable to fit your needs

Friday July 21st is CrossFit Rail Trails next Bring a Friend Day! Anyone is welcome to try CrossFit for FREE. Come to any class with or without CrossFit experience. Also join us for a social after the 630p class.

CrossFit Rail Trail
157 Washington Street
Hudson Ma