Happy Birthdays to Melissa D aka Digs, Meg M and Brittany M!! (Thursday)

Warm Up and Mobility

Bring a Friend Day!!! πŸ‘¬πŸ‘­πŸ‘«

Partner Workout

200m Med Ball Carry (100m Relay Style)
20 x Box Jumps Overs 24/20
20 x KB Swings 70/53
200m Med Ball Carry (100m Relay Style)
20 x Burpees
20 x T2B
One person works while the other rests

Introduction Workout
200m Run (100m Relay Style)
20 x Box Step Ups
20 x Ball Slams
200m Run (100m Relay Style)
20 x Push Ups or Burpees
20 x AB Mat Sit Ups or V Ups