Lisa (Carl L Cousin) repping CFRT at her box with her Coach Games athlete Rebecca Voigt!

Warm Up and Mobility

Back Squat
65% x 8
75% x 3
85% x 3
95% x 1-2
100% x 1-2
65% x Max Reps


7-10 Minutes of
Alternating between
Body Weight Presses
– Handstands
– Handstand Walk
– Ring Dips
Box Jump Practice
– Rebounding
– Height
– Overs

Open Off-season
Accumulate 40 seconds of Free Standing Handstand or 5 minutes of Free Standing Handstand Practice

“Commander Heatherly”
Death by Strict HSPU + 3 Burpees
2 x Strict HSPU+ 4 Burpees, 3 x Strict HSPU + 5 x Burpees etc

*14 Minutes