Elizabeth T!

Warm Up and Mobility

Back Squat
50% × 10
60% × 5
70% × 3
80% × 1
90% × 1
101+ × 1
This is a max out session. You do not need to use these % to achieve it. Use what works for you

7-10 Minutes of
Alternating between
Body Weight Presses
– Handstands
– Handstand Walk
– Ring Dips
Jump Rope Practice
– Singles
– Doubles
– Triples

Gymnastics Strength/Skill
6 Minutes
1 – 2 Rounds
10 x Stink Bugs
5 x Wall Walks
10 x Shoulder Taps

Remaining time , partner assisted handstand walk practice

9 Minute Clock
For Time
Unbroken Double Unders
(Workout courtesy of CFNE)

– Then max Air Squats with remaining time

* You can also modify the rep scheme to

**This is a double under skill workout. You can also complete these not being unbroken if your just not there yet. Modify reps as necessary.If you are a single under ninja it’s time to work your power jump singles. If you are just getting singles then keep rep scheme the same and work single understand.