Happy Birthday to Lori G!!! (Friday)

Warm up and Mobility

Partner Workout 👫👬👭

Teams of 3
4 Rounds for Time
10 x Burpees
15/10 Calorie Row
20 x Thrusters 45/35

*Introduction workout will mirror this but be modified to fit your needs

Waterfall Style
Partner 1 begins burpees.  As soon as athlete 1 finishes the burpees, s/he moves to the calorie row and Athlete 2 may begin the buroeey. As soon as Athlete 1 finishes the row s/he begins the thrusters athlete 2 moves to the row, and athlete 3 begins the burpees.  This sequence continues until all three athletes have completed 4 rounds of the triplet. At no point can an athlete pass another or begin a movement if an athlete is still working – if this happens, s/he must wait to move on.