Until there is none

Warm Up and Mobility

WOD 22

The Workout
22 Reps of each of the following movements
Calorie Row
Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Back Squats 135/95 (From the floor)
Hand Release Push Ups
Front Squat (weight stays the same throughout)
Pull Ups
Lunges (alt)
Power Cleans
Box Jumps 24/20
Shoulder to Overhead
Wall Balls 20/14 to a 10’/9′ target
Push Ups
Sit Ups
Double Unders
Kettle Bell Sumo Deadlift High Pull 53/35
Flutter Kicks
Kettle Bell Hops
Kettle Bell Swings
Toes to Bar
Side Straddle Hops (Jumping Jacks)
at the 22 Minute mark everyone will pause for a 2 minute ‘moment’ of silence regardless of when you started.

Version 2
22 Reps of each of the following movements
Ring to Chest
Back Squat w/PVC pipe
Push Ups
Sit Ups
Front Squat w PVC pipe
Ring Row
Flutter Kicks
Box Jumps/Step Ups
Jumping Jacks , you will perform this twice for a total of 44 reps and move back down the ladder
You will end on burpees