Tim and Maia K!

Warm Up and Mobility

Partner WOD:

8×2 minute rounds
Each partner will perform each couplet 4 times

Partner A
Run 200m,
Amrap Toes to Bar

Partner B
Row 250m/200m
Amrap Double KB Push Press (35/25#)

*Each partner starts on a different couplet. From 0-2 minutes partner A will complete the 200m run and partner B complete the 250m row. In the remaining time they will work through the toes to bar and double kb push press respectively.
*At 2-4 minute mark they will switch couplets and once again complete the 200m run and the 250m row before continuing to accumulate reps.
*Score is total reps complete for both members, simply keep a running count of your own reps

Introduction Workout
“Partner WOD:

8×2 minute rounds
Each partner will perform each couplet 4 times

Partner A
Run 200m,
Amrap Sit Ups

Partner B
Row 250m/200m
Amrap PushUps

*Each partner starts on a different couplet. From 0-2 minutes partner A will complete the 200m run and partner B complete the 250m row. In the remaining time they will work through the sit upsr and push ups respectively.
*At 2-4 minute mark they will switch couplets and once again complete the 200m run and the 250m row before continuing to accumulate reps.
*Score is total reps complete for both members, simply keep a running count of your own reps