Happy Birthday to Jen B!! (Monday)

Warm Up and Mobility

Merry Christmas Eve Rail Trailers! 🎄🎅 Open Gym Style from 5am – 9am then again 9:30 ending at 11:30

“The Twelve Days of Christmas”

For Time Complete
1 x Squat Clean 135/95
2 x HSPU’s (Strict)
3 x T2B
4 x Push Jerks
5 x Hand Release Push Ups
6 x Lunges (Alt)
7 x KB Swings 53/35
8 x Box Jumps 24/20
9 x KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull
10 x Wall Balls 20/14 to a 10/9′ Target
11 x Deadlifts
12 oz Beer (or Seltzer Water)

Sequence goes just like the song. Complete 1 squat clean, then 2 HSPUs +1 Squat Clean, 3 T2B +2 HSPUS+ 1 Squat clean etc….
Modify the movements as necessary, try to keep the song format.