Coaches Michelle and Phil’s Workout

Warm Up and Mobility

CFRT Open Workout 20.1

With a 19:28 clock…

75 Chest To Bar
75 Toes To Bar
30 Clean & Jerk
30 Snatches

One partner works while the other holds a bar in the front rack position. Switch as needed. Split reps as desired. Bar must be in the front rack position before reps count. Weight remains the same for all movements.

Workout Variations :


75 Chest To Bar Pull-ups
75 Toes To Bar
30 Clean & Jerk (115/85)
30 Snatches (115/85)


75 Pull-ups
75 Knees to 90
30 Clean & Jerk (95/65)
30 Snatches (95/65)


75 Ring Rows
75 Sit-Ups
30 H-Hang Clean & Jerk (45/35)
30 H-Hang Snatches (45/35)