20.2 Coaches Lauren and Duane

Warm up and Mobility

LC and Duane Special

For Time
Teams of 2
150 Thrusters
100 Deadlifts

*At the top of every minute including 321 go, both partners complete burpees before moving on to the scored reps. Burpees start over every minute whether any reps were completed.

  • *Burpees are completed together, Thrusters and Deadlifts, only 1 partner works at a time. Thrusters must be completed before moving on to deadlifts.

Level 1 4 Burpees each (both athletes work at same time) 115/75

Level 2 3 Burpees each (both athletes work at same time) 95/65

Level 3 2 Burpees each (both athletes work at same time) 45/35