Happy Birthdays to Rjae and Chris M!! (Monday)

Warm Up

10 Big Arm Circles
5 Inchworms
10 Jumping Jacks
30 second Squat Hold

Limited Equipment
3 Rounds: 1 Minute Max Reps at each Station

Wall Balls
KB Sumo Deadlift high-pull
KB Swing

1 minute rest btwn rounds

No Equipment
3 Rounds: 1 Minute Max Reps at each Station

Jumping Squats
Push Ups
Mountain Climbers
Sit -ups

1 minute rest btwn rounds

  • If you have a rower or bike, use that instead of Mtn Climbers
  • Goal is “Fight Gone Bad”at home version
  • If you have a DB you can complete DB snatch instead of KB Swings and DB Deadlifts instead of High Pulls
    90 second Split Stretch – per leg

Warm up and Mobility