Happy Birthday to Kayla N!! (Thursday)

Warm Up 
4 rounds:
10 Scap Push Ups
10 Reverse Lunges (Total)
30 Sec Side Plank
 (Right side on odd rounds, Left side on even rounds)

Limited Equipment 

Tabata (:20 on/:10 off):
8 Rounds

DB Power Snatch

Rest 2 minutes

Jumping Lunges

Rest 2 minutes


Rest 2 minutes

DB Squat Snatch

*Complete 8 Rounds of DB Power Snatch, then rest 2 minutes, before moving onto Lunges*

*If you have a KB, complete KB Snatches, alternating arms each round*

No Equipment 

Tabata (:20 on/:10 off):
8 Rounds

Burpee to Target

Rest 2 minutes

Jumping Lunges

Rest 2 minutes


Rest 2 minutes

Jumping Squats

Cool Down
90 second Pigeon Stretch – per leg
90 second Hamstring Stretch – per leg