Happy Birthday to Adda P!! (Sunday)

Warm Up and Mobility

Limited Equipment

15 Russian KB Swings 70/53
12 Strict HSPU
9 Jumping Lunges – per leg

2 Sets
45 – 60 sec Hollow Hold
45 – 60 sec Glute Bridge
45 – 60 sec Russian Twists

Russian Swings should be done in 1 – 2 sets

HSPU can be off box or scaled to Stinkbugs/Push Ups

 Goal is 6 + Rounds

No Equipment

15 V-ups
12 Strict HSPU
9 Jumping Lunges – per leg

2 Sets
45 – 60 sec Hollow Hold
45 – 60 sec Glute Bridge
45 – 60 sec Russian Twists