Ashley H

Warm Up and Mobility

Limited Equipment

“Quick Feet”
12 Minute Clock:

1 Mile run
Max Burpee Box Jumps in remaining time 24/20

Accessory: 3 Sets
10 Lateral Medball Slams – alt
5 Jefferson Curls
20 Single Leg V-ups – alt
30 sec Shoulder Extension Stretch

– This workout is a benchmark from another Crossfit gym
where the record number of reps is 69, so chase that score!

– Scale the run if going to go over 10 minutes

Shoulder Extension Stretch

No Equipment

“Quick Feet”
12 Minute Clock:

1 Mile run
Max Burpees

Accessory: 3 Sets
20 Russian Twists
5 Jefferson Curls
20 Single Leg V-ups – alt
30 sec Shoulder Extension Stretch