Warm up and Mobility

Partner Workout
With a 24 Minute Clock complete:
Teams of Three
Partner 1 Works on AMRAP
2 x Bar Muscle Ups
8 x Russian KB Swings 70/53
32 x Double Unders

Partner 2
Rows 20/15Calories

Partner 3

The pacer is the row, once the row is complete, partner 1 moves to the row, partner 2 moves to rest and partner 3 moves to AMRAP.
*Score is rounds/reps + Calories Row

Introduction Workout
Partner Workout
With a 24 Minute Clock complete:
Teams of Three

Partner 1 Works on AMRAP
2 x Ring Rows
8 x Ball Slams
32 x Jump Rope or Jumping Jacks

Partner 2
Rows 20/15 Calories

Partner 3

The pacer is the row, once the row is complete, partner 1 moves to the row, partner 2 moves to rest and partner 3 moves to AMRAP.
*Score is rounds/reps + Calories Row