Warm up and Mobility

Partner Workout
For Time
10 x Rope Climbs
100 x Double Unders
8 x Rope Climbs
100 x Double Unders
6 x Rope Climbs
100 x Double Unders
4 x Rope Climbs
100 x Double Unders
2 x Rope Climbs
* No jumping on rope climbs

One person works on the chipper while the other completes

Part B
20 x Wall Balls
10 x Burpees
Switch once Part B is complete

Introduction Workout
Partner Workout
For Time
20 x Ring Rows
80 x Single Unders
18 x Ring Rows
80 x Single Unders
16 x Ring Rows
80 x Single Unders
14 x Ring Rows
80 x Single Unders
12 x Ring Rows

One person works on the chipper while the other completes

Part B
15 x Ball Slams
5 x Burpees

Switch once Part B is complete