Warm up and Mobility

Partner Workout
Teams of 3
As Many Reps as Possible in 20 minutes
Round of
10 x Burpees
10 x Single DB Hang Snatch
10 x Wall Balls 20/14

*Partner 1 completes the round , while Partner 2 accumulates calories on a rower, bike or ski erg.
Partner 3 rests.
Once wall balls are complete Partner 1 moves to rest, Partner 2 moves to AMRAP and partner 3 moves to the same rower, bike or ski erg.
Score is total reps from both AMRAP and Calories accumulated.

Introduction Workout

Partner Workout
Teams of 3
As Many Reps as Possible in 20 minutes
Round of
10 x Push Ups or Burpees
10 x Ball Slams
10 x Air Squats

*Partner 1 completes the round , while Partner 2 accumulates calories on a rower, bike or ski erg.
Partner 3 rests.
Once wall balls are complete Partner 1 moves to rest, Partner 2 moves to AMRAP and partner 3 moves to the same rower, bike or ski erg.
Score is total reps from both AMRAP and Calories accumulated.