Warm up and Mobility

Partner Workout 👭👬👫
Teams of Three Complete
200 Calorie Row
200 Goblet Squats 53/35
200 Box Jump Overs 24/20
200 T2B
All three partners work at one time on different movements until there is only two movements left. Then two work on separate movements and one rests. When there is only one movement left, one works and two rest. Break up any way you want.

Introduction Workout
Partner Workout 👭👬👫
Teams of Three Complete
100 Calorie Row
100 Squats
100 Box Step Ups
100 Sit Ups
*All reps and movements are modifiable to fit your needs All three partners work at one time on different movements until there is only two movements left. Then two work on separate movements and one rests. When there is only one movement left, one works and two rest. Break up any way you want.