Warm up and Mobility

4 Sets for Quality

4×12- Single Leg Bench Split Squat (6 each leg)

4×12- Floor to Bench Glute Bridges or Bench Hip Thrusters

4×12- Weighted RDL

4×12- Weighted Squat Pulses

Note: Can be just bodyweight or add weight as needed to make each set more challenging.

“Booty Tight, Booty Right”

AMRAP 9- Ladder Up

2- KB Squat to RDL 53/35

2- Alt. Box Step Up to High Knees 20″ for all

2- Russian KB Swings 53/35

 Note: Every round add 1 Rep to each movement 2,3,4,5,ect.

3 Minute Rest

AMRAP 9 – Ladder Down

Reverse the amount of reps completed above and see if you can finish all reps before 9 minute Cap.

Example: If you completed 10,10,8 you would start at the following

8- Russian KB Swings 53/35

10- Alt Box Step Up to High Knees 20″ for all 

10- KB Squat to RDL  53/35




