Warm Up and Mobility

Partner Wod

Teams of 2

150 Double Unders

50 x Back Squats 225/155

40 x Cals Echo Bike

30 x Wall Walks 

20 x Front Squats 205/125

10 x  Rope Climbs 

150 Double Unders

30 Cap 

1 person working at a time, split work as needed

Partner Wod

Teams of 2

For Time

100 Single Unders or Jump Jacks

50 x Goblet or Air Squats

40 Bike Erg

30 x Push Ups

20 x Goblet or Air Squats

10 x Ring Rows

100 Single Unders or Jumping Jacks 

1 person working at a time, split work as needed

*All movements and reps are modifiable to fit your needs!