Warm Up and Mobility

Core Work

For Quality

3 rounds

15 Hollow Rocks

30 Second Left Side Plank Hold

30 Second Right Side Plank Hold

12 Weighted Plate Sit-ups

“Uber Legs”

PART 1 @ 0:00

For Time:

21 Front Squats 135/95

60/50 Calorie Bikerg or 35/29 Cal Echo

21 Power Cleans 135/95

PART 2 @ 8:00 Minutes

For Time:

15 Front Squats 185/135

50/40 Calorie Bikerg or 30/24 Cal Echo

15 Power Cleans 185/135

PART 3 @ 16:00 Minutes

For Time:

9 Front Squats 205/155

40/30 Calorie Bikerg or 25/19 Cal Echo

9 Power Cleans 205/155

Score will be total time of all (3) sections