Warm up and Mobility

Teams of 3 Partner Workout!!


60 Cal Echo

40 Synchro Front Squat 75/55

60 Cal Skierg

40 Synchro Hang Snatch 75/55

60 Cal Echo

40 Synchro Thrusters 75/55


2 people work at the same time on bar, 1 person rests. Split reps as needed.

Echo/Skierg cals- 1 person working, 2 rest. Split cals as needed.

Introduction Workout 

Teams of 3 Partner Workout!!


50 Cal Bike Erg

50 Synchro Sit Ups

50 Cal Row

50 Synchro Air Squats

50 Cal Bike Erg

30 Synchro Burpees

*All movements and reps are modifiable to fit your needs.


2 people work at the same time on body weight movements and 1 person rests. Split reps as needed.

Echo/Skierg cals- 1 person working, 2 rest. Split cals as needed.