Weightlifting: Technique Focus
Every 2:00 minutes, 4 sets, complete the following:
5 Push Jerks
– rest 20 seconds –
2 Split Jerks

Starting @ 62-65% of Push Jerk
increase to ~ 72-75%

“Armored Truck”

14:00 AMRAP
1 Round of “DT”
15/12 Cal Row
2 Rounds of “DT”
15/12 Cal Row
3 Rounds of “DT”
15/12 Cal Row
And so on…

Load: 155/105lb

1 Round of “DT” = 12 Deadlifts + 9 Hang Power Cleans + 6 Push Jerk
Score is Total Reps: *Each round of “DT” is 27 reps