Just in case you needed to see something really cute today ☺️

10:00 of Freestanding Handstand Hold Skill Practice
Handstand Hold Drills and Skills
Freestanding Handstand Block Drill
Tuck Shoulder Stand

2 Rounds for Time
10/8 Dumbbell Deficit Push-Ups
5 Devils Press
10 Dual Dumbbell Step-Ups 24/20”
500m Ski Erg

Rest 5:00 minutes

2 Rounds for Time
10/8 Dumbbell Deficit Handstand Push-Ups
5 Devils Press
50ft Dual Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge
500m Ski Erg

Load for all Dumbbell Movements: 50/35lb
Time Domain: 8:00-10:00 / Set
Time Cap: 12:00 / Set
Total Time Cap: 27:00 minutes