
Saturday 6/1/24

Saturday 6/1/24

Partner Day!!!!! 👬👭👫
Nick Tapper’s May Member of the Month Workout

Buy in: 1500(M/M)/1400(M/F)/1300(F/F) meter row into…
12 rounds of:
5 Hang Power Cleans (135/95), 10 Toes to Bar, 15 Wallballs (20/14)
Cash out: 1500(M/M)/1400(M/F)/1300(F/F) meter row

Partner 1 completes 1 full round before partner 2 begins the next round
Time Domain: 23:00 – 28:00
Time Cap: 30:00

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Sunday 2/18/22

Sunday 2/18/22

SunDay FunDay!!!! Sunday FunDay!!!! ConditioningEvery 3:00 x 9 Sets15/12 Cal Echo BikeBench Press10-8-6-4-2-4-6-8-10Climbing in weight until set of 2. Bodybuilding Finisher (optional)4 Sets, For Quality-Max Supinated Chin Over Bar Hold15 Bent Over Barbell Rows...

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Monday 1/1/24

Monday 1/1/24

Happy New Years Rail Trailers!!!!CFRT is closed, rest up and enjoy this day with your family and friends!!!! See you all on Tuesday!!! 👊

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Monday 12/25/23

Monday 12/25/23

Merry Christmas Rail Trailers!!!! 🎁🎄 Merry Christmas Rail Trail Fit Fam!!!!! CFRT is closed, enjoy today with your family and friends 🧡

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Friday 9/8/23

Friday 9/8/23

Coach Sam reminding you to wear your R.E.D today gang!! OlyEvery 2:00 minutes, 4 SetsHang Squat Snatch + Overhead SquatRest 10 secondsSquat Snatch into.. Every 2:00 minutes, 4 SetsHang Squat Clean + Front SquatRest 10 secondsSquat Clean ConditioningFor Time4 Man...

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Tuesday 7/4/23

Tuesday 7/4/23

Happy 4th of July Rail Trailers!!! CFRT is closed, enjoy this day with your family and friends!!!!!

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Monday 6/19/23

Monday 6/19/23

“Mickey Mouse”
3:00 On/1:30 Off
15 Pull Ups
8 Sandbag Cleans
Max Cal Ski in Remaining Time 

Continue until 100/80 Cals
6 Round Cap

Post Workout Accessory (If time allows)
2-4 Rounds of
10-12 Double DB Supine Grip Bent Over Row
10-12 Seated Plate Raises
12-15 Reverse Flies 

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Friday 4/14/23

Friday 4/14/23

Happy Birthday to Philly D !!! (Thursday) 12:00 AMRAP1 Mile Run Buy-InAMRAP in Remaining Time20 Pull-Ups40 Push-Ups60 Air Squats Rest 2:00 minutes 8:00 AMRAP800m Run Buy-InAMRAP in Remaining Time10 Pull-Ups20 Push-Ups30 Air Squats Rest 2:00 minutes 4:00 AMRAP400m...

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Tuesday 4/4/23

Tuesday 4/4/23

12:00 AMRAP
3 Bar Muscle-Ups
5 Handstand Push-Ups
7 Stick Over-Unders 24/20’’

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Friday 1/27/23

Friday 1/27/23

“Nobody puts Baby in the corner”
14:00 AMRAP
14 Toe to Bar
14 Single DB Box Step Up 50/35# 24/20″
14 SA DB Hang Clean and Jerk 50/35#

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